Sunrise Reflections: Navigating the Journey of Fatherhood

I've seen my share of sunrises, each marking the start of new challenges and opportunities. Yet, the most profound moments? The ones that really hit home? They happen when I'm with my family. Every morning, my home is filled with the unmistakable sounds of youth. The...

Wasting More Than Half of My Life Waiting for the Weekend

Many of us are familiar with the saying, "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." But it wasn't until I looked at my week through percentages that this phrase took on a deeper, more personal meaning. The Monday Blues – 14% of My Life Like many dads,...

The Best Get-Rich-Quick Strategy That Actually Works

When you hear the phrase "get rich quick," it's easy to think of material wealth—money, big houses, fancy cars, or luxury vacations. But the real riches? They’re already within your reach. The quickest way to wealth isn't through some secret financial trick or...

I Really Thought I Knew What Wealth Was: The New Definition of Success

From a young age, society bombards us with images of what success should look like: high-powered careers, the latest sports cars, luxury brands, and the allure of celebrity lifestyles. These symbols of wealth, pushed through billboards, TV, and social media, equate success with material excess and public admiration.

Unlock Success and Freedom: The Power of Delegation

Over 20 years ago, I took a small but life-changing step—I started delegating. At the time, it felt awkward. I didn’t believe I was worth it, and honestly, I was a little ashamed to admit I had someone else clean my condo or cut my lawn. But something shifted when I realized that the people I hired, whether they were housekeepers or landscapers, had their own expertise. When their cars needed fixing, they trusted me with what I was great at. It clicked for me: I was investing in myself, freeing up my time to focus on what truly mattered, while also helping others do what they excelled at.

The Hidden Power of Relaxation

Running a business has taught me many valuable lessons, and while the allure of constant hustle is enticing, it's not the only strategy of being successful in the game of life. There’s an unsung hero that is often overlooked: relaxation. Today, I want to share how...