From ‘Why is the Sky Blue?’ to ‘What’s My Purpose?’: A Dad’s Dive into Daily Questions”

by | Aug 9, 2023

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from being a dad, it’s that kids are basically mini interrogation experts. No, seriously. They pepper me with approximately 100 questions a day, ranging from the scientifically curious like, “Why do stars twinkle?” to the ever-hopeful “Can I have cookies for breakfast?” (Hint: That’s a hard ‘no’, buddy).

All their questioning got me into a contemplative mood. Perhaps, somewhere between answering why the grass is green and explaining why bedtime isn’t just a cruel joke, we adults should be asking ourselves a few daily questions. Not about cookies for breakfast, mind you, but about the bigger, more introspective picture of our lives.

Here’s my list of 10 daily questions that I think every grown-up, especially every parent, should consider:

What am I grateful for today?
Being thankful can provide a shift in perspective, especially after a particularly challenging toddler tantrum or a teen’s silent treatment episode.

Did I move closer to my goals today?
It’s essential to remember we’re not just parents – we’re individuals with aspirations and dreams.

How have I taken care of my physical, mental, and emotional well-being today?
Parenting can be all-consuming, but our well-being is the foundation of a happy family.

What did I learn today?
Maybe it’s something profound, or perhaps it’s that your kid doesn’t like crust on their sandwich. Either way, every day is a learning journey.

Have I made someone else’s day better?
A smile, a kind word, or just listening can make a world of difference.

Did I spend time doing something I love or that brings me joy?
Whether it’s reading a book, jamming on a guitar, or just watching your favorite show – personal joy is essential.

Were there moments today when I was fully present?
With technology buzzing around, being present is a gift – to ourselves and our loved ones.

Did I set and maintain healthy boundaries?
Teaching our kids about boundaries starts by setting our own – be it at work, with friends, or even with our kids themselves.

How did I handle challenges or setbacks today?
From a spilled cup of juice to a missed deadline at work, how we react defines our resilience and teaches our kids how to face challenges.

What can I let go of or do differently tomorrow?
Maybe it’s fretting over that tiny mistake or rethinking how we approached a tricky conversation with a teenager.

These might not be as amusing as the myriad of questions our kids throw our way, but they’re crucial for introspection. As parents, the days might feel long, but the years are short. By asking ourselves these questions, we can ensure that we’re not just going through the motions but truly living and growing.

To all my fellow dads (and moms) out there, here’s to answering all the whys, the hows, and the can-I-have-ice-creams, and still finding a moment for self-reflection. Cheers to living our best lives – and occasionally, just occasionally, considering cookies for breakfast! 🤔

DadLife #DailyQuestions #GrowingWithMyKids