The Ultimate Guide to Buying Back Your Time and Reclaiming Your Week

by | Sep 14, 2024

If you’ve ever felt like you’re running on empty by the time the weekend arrives, you’re not alone. For many, Saturday becomes a day to catch your breath after a week of juggling work, family, and personal commitments. But what if you could use Saturday as a launchpad for the entire week, not just to recover but to thrive?

This detailed guide will help you buy back your time and apply the lessons from Saturday’s sense of renewal to the rest of your week. It’s time to shift from constantly catching up to intentionally creating the life you want—without sacrificing what matters most, like those soccer weekends with the kids.

Step 1: Start With a Brain Dump

Actionable Advice:
Take a few minutes to sit down with a pen and paper or your favorite note-taking app. Write out everything on your mind—work tasks, personal errands, family responsibilities, even minor worries. Don’t censor yourself. The goal here is to clear mental clutter and bring all your concerns to the surface.

Granular Tip:
To make this even more effective, categorize your brain dump into specific areas: work, personal, family, and self-care. This will help you better understand where your time and energy are being spent.

How to Apply During the Week:
Do a quick 5-minute brain dump every morning. This small habit can help you focus on what matters most and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Step 2: Identify Your Top 3 Priorities

Actionable Advice:
After your brain dump, identify the three most important tasks or goals for the day. These should be the things that will have the biggest positive impact on your life—whether they’re personal (e.g., spending quality time with family) or professional (e.g., completing a high-priority project at work).

Granular Tip:
Use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks into four quadrants:

  • Urgent and important
  • Not urgent but important
  • Urgent but not important
  • Neither urgent nor important

Focus on the tasks that fall into the “not urgent but important” quadrant to move your life forward, rather than getting stuck in a cycle of only dealing with urgent matters.

How to Apply During the Week:
Each morning, look at your top 3 priorities for the day. Do them early, before you get bogged down by smaller tasks or distractions. This helps you build momentum, leaving you more time for what matters most.

Step 3: Outsource and Delegate

Actionable Advice:
Make a list of routine tasks that don’t require your personal touch—things like house cleaning, laundry, lawn care, or even meal prep. Outsourcing these tasks gives you back valuable time that can be spent more productively or joyfully.

Granular Tip:
Start with one task you dread the most. For example, if laundry eats up your weekends, try a local laundry service for wash-and-fold. You’ll gain hours back in your day at a relatively low cost.

How to Apply During the Week:
Once you see the time saved from outsourcing, consider expanding this strategy to other areas. Services like grocery delivery, meal kits, or virtual assistants can save you significant time during the week.

Step 4: Automate Where You Can

Actionable Advice:
Take advantage of technology to automate repetitive tasks. Whether it’s automating bill payments, setting up recurring grocery deliveries, or using scheduling tools, automation reduces the need for manual effort.

Granular Tip:
Use tools like IFTTT (If This Then That) or Zapier to create automated workflows for things like email management, social media posting, or even setting reminders for recurring tasks.

How to Apply During the Week:
Take 15 minutes every Sunday to set up your automation for the week. Automate your grocery list, schedule bills to be paid, or use a time-blocking app to schedule your day automatically. These small actions add up to significant time savings.

Step 5: Create Time Blocks for Personal Recharge

Actionable Advice:
Schedule specific blocks of time during the day dedicated to self-care. Whether it’s 30 minutes for a walk, a workout, or just reading, these are non-negotiable moments meant to recharge your mental and physical energy.

Granular Tip:
Set a recurring daily calendar reminder to block off your personal recharge time. Treat it like any other important meeting—no skipping allowed. If you feel guilty taking this time, remind yourself that it’s essential for your well-being and productivity.

How to Apply During the Week:
Don’t wait for the weekend to “recover” from the week. Build these time blocks into your weekdays, so you don’t arrive at Saturday feeling completely drained.

Step 6: Set Boundaries and Protect Your Time

Actionable Advice:
Decide ahead of time what you will and won’t do. This could mean saying no to social events that drain you, setting limits on how long you work, or creating a “no work after 7 PM” rule. Boundaries are key to maintaining balance and avoiding burnout.

Granular Tip:
Create a “To-Don’t List”—a list of things you won’t allow to take up your time and energy. Whether it’s checking email first thing in the morning or saying yes to every request, be intentional about protecting your time.

How to Apply During the Week:
Write down your boundaries at the start of each week. Make them visible—either on your phone or in your workspace—to remind yourself of what you’re committed to saying “no” to.

Step 7: Reflect and Adjust

Actionable Advice:
At the end of the week, take a few minutes to reflect on what worked and what didn’t. Were you able to reclaim time for yourself? Did you stick to your boundaries? Adjust your strategy as needed.

Granular Tip:
Keep a journal where you track how you’re spending your time each day. Note how you feel—both physically and mentally. This will give you insight into whether your time management efforts are creating the balance and fulfillment you’re aiming for.

How to Apply During the Week:
Use a simple 5-minute reflection at the end of each day to track your progress. This small habit ensures that you stay aligned with your goals and are constantly improving your approach.

Ready to Supercharge Your Time Management?

Reclaiming your time is one of the most empowering things you can do, but it’s not always easy to stay consistent. If you’re ready to take your time management to the next level, coaching and accountability can be game changers.

A coach can help you clarify your goals, identify the time-wasting habits holding you back, and keep you accountable to the actions that will make the biggest difference. With one-on-one support, you’ll not only implement the steps from this guide, but you’ll also get the tools to stay consistent—and transform your weeks into the most productive and fulfilling days of your life.

Ready to make lasting change?

Lets connect to learn how personalized coaching and accountability can help you buy back your time, supercharge your productivity, and bring balance to your life. Let’s create the freedom you’ve been seeking. Simply email