On a recent visit to the Dr’s office, he told me something that I was hoping he wouldn’t. In fact, it is something that no one ever wants to hear.
He said, “Joe I need you to lose some weight.”
“…and stop the unhealthy late night snacking.”
Just like that….the battle began.
I went home and I surveyed my pantry, I knew what I had to do…
I emptied my cache of holiday cookies and candy.
If I didn’t have them in my house, a late night snack would have been impossible.
Later that evening a craving came, I had thrown everything out, “Man, there has to be a better way” I like my snacking while I’m reading. Why should I give up snacking? I enjoy it.
I recalled the Dr’s advice and he said “unhealthy late night snacking”
I had to do a little research, and soon I picked a few healthy late night snacks and I created a responsible habit around having them.
Making the choice not to purchase them at the store, made it impossible for them to be in my house to be consumed when the cravings came.
I conditioned myself to choose only healthy items that I could default to.
As I did this for my body, I decided that I must do this for my mind and spirit.
I listed all of the unhealthy things I was allowing to influence my mind and my actions.
Things like negativity, cynicism, doubt, criticism of others, that came through the news or the web pages I visited.
People that were in my environment.
I listed the unessential actions that caused me to “not have time” to do the essential things that I desired.
Then, just like the cookies that looked, smelled, and oh heaven knows that they tasted great, I had to remove them from my house until I was responsible enough not to eat a dozen mini cookies and a glass of milk before bed.
Similarly, I had to learn to turn off my phone or put it on do not disturb mode, stash the electronics, and leave them in my office.
This helped me curb the habit of mindlessly scrolling a couple hours, or doing work that could wait until tomorrow, before I drifted off to an unhealthy, and often interrupted sleep.
I made these changes, and my sleep improved,
When my sleep improved, my attitude improved.
I had more energy to live the life I was designing.
My new choices soon became a second nature habit, and I was responsible enough to have treats in the house, without going on a late night binge and I can occasionally look at my phone before bed without a two hour mindless scroll session.
If you are seeking time and energy to design the life you desire, I am here to tell you that it’s possible.
Hi, I’m, Joe, I am a Husband, a father of 2 young boys, co-own two brick and mortar businesses and coach professionals and business owners. I spin a lot of plates just like you. I get it. You can have all the things you desire and not make yourself a physical wreck and burn out like I did several years ago. I learned a great deal since my unfortunate trip to the Emergency Room several years ago.
My mission is for you to never end up at that point.
Do nothing and you risk the consequences like I did.
Take action and start living life by your own design
It is easy to connect with me by messaging me here or downloading my free Blueprint for Beating Burnout on my website www.joeperrone.biz, scroll to the bottom of my first page, click the link and I’ll send it right over.
I trust that you are a person of action, and I look forward to connecting.
Talk soon…