Refuse that 3am delivery.

by | Dec 10, 2020

It came at the same time every night.



I used to dread it.

Usually it was a stream of negative thoughts racing through my head.

Self Doubt.



They would keep me from going back to sleep.

After many sleepless nights on the train to burning out, I needed to find a way to embrace silence.

Make it work for me.

I found that in order to live a life of joy, peace, happiness, and freedom, I had to make a decision to change my thoughts.

I had to make it a habit.

I started by refusing those 3am fear-filled thoughts.

Like a package that has the wrong address coming to my doorstep, I refused it and sent it back.

Then I filled my mind with thoughts, and images of my desired outcome.

This took environment change.

No longer did I watch endless streams of news, violent fear inducing relevision or movies.

No longer did I speak negative words.

No longer did I spend time listening to negativity.

I did spend time reading books learning from men and women that have lived their version of success.

Success that I wanted to model.

I with time with mentors.

I spent time in prayer and reflection.

Once I made this habit, silence became my best friend.

Silence restored my mind and my soul.

Now I wake up in the middle of the night and go right back to sleep with ease.

My mentor simply calls it the 3am rule.

What’s keeping you up at 3am?

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