I Really Thought I Knew What Wealth Was: The New Definition of Success

by | Sep 6, 2024

From a young age, society bombards us with images of what success should look like: high-powered careers, the latest sports cars, luxury brands, and the allure of celebrity lifestyles. These symbols of wealth, pushed through billboards, TV, and social media, equate success with material excess and public admiration.

The Narrative Society Sold Us

Like many, I was taught to value:

  • The allure of celebrities, who seemed to lead endlessly successful lives.
  • The prestige of owning the latest, most cutting-edge cars, valued more as status symbols than for the joy of driving.
  • The pursuit of high-end brands that suggested a sense of superiority and exclusivity.
  • The importance of being seen at exclusive venues, where the focus was more on social standing than on genuine enjoyment.
  • A lifestyle where possessions and status were prioritized over the value of real human connections.

This narrative extended to how we view business success, often glorifying relentless drives to maximize profit at the cost of health, sanity, and personal life.

Personal Insight: Finding Balance

About a decade ago, I reevaluated my priorities after a trip to the Emergency Room. I sought out mentors to help me. The wisdom shared by those who had walked this path before me helped me realize that chasing endless profit and the material riches of this world was not fulfilling. It marked a significant turn towards a healthier, more balanced approach.

The Reality

Through experience and wisdom, I’ve learned what truly constitutes wealth. The genuinely wealthy—the true high achievers—embrace days filled with:

  • Time with God: Mornings spent in prayer and gratitude, setting a tone of peace and purpose for the day ahead.
  • Heartfelt Meals: Nutritious, lovingly prepared meals shared with family, where conversations nourish the soul as much as the food nourishes the body.
  • Personal Growth: Time invested in personal growth through reading, learning, and hobbies that enrich the spirit and challenge the mind.
  • Physical Activities: Activities that reconnect them to the earth and themselves, celebrating the freedom of movement.
  • Meaningful Relationships: Deep, meaningful relationships cherished for their substance, not leveraged for social standing.
  • Evening Peace: Evenings spent unwinding with loved ones, finding joy in the simplicity of the moment and the peace it brings.

Living the True Wealth

Today, I measure my wealth differently. Morning breakfasts and coffee with my wife and kids, a home-cooked meal enjoyed in each other’s company, and the peace in my home—these are my new success labels. My business now operates with a focus on time freedom, allowing me to be present for those I care about and pursue the things I love without the constant stress of micromanagement.

Practical Steps to Redefine Your Success:

  • Delegate with Trust: Identify tasks that do not require your expertise. Train someone else to handle them and give them the autonomy to make decisions.
  • Set Boundaries: Use tools like email auto-responders and scheduling software to define your work hours clearly. Communicate these boundaries to your team and clients.
  • Cultivate Morning Routines: Start each day with a 15-minute session of meditation or prayer. Use this time to focus on your goals and the things you are grateful for.
  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule weekly or bi-weekly one-on-ones with key team members to foster open communication and monitor the pulse of your business without being overly intrusive.
  • Time Management: Apply the ‘Pomodoro Technique’ or similar methods to manage your workday efficiently, ensuring you have time for both work and personal life.
  • Leverage Technology: Use project management tools and CRM systems to keep track of business processes smoothly, enabling better team collaboration and less need for your direct involvement in every detail.


If your life is filled with love, purpose, peace, and the freedom to enjoy it, you have truly mastered what it means to be wealthy. Let’s redefine success on our terms, building businesses and lives that prioritize balance over burnout. If you’re ready to design the life you’ve always desired and know intuitively can be optimized, email me at joe@joeperrone.biz to see how my clients have started this transformative journey.